
“Emotion precedes comprehension” writes Byung-Chul Han in his current book: “Undinge. Umbrüche der Lebenswelt”

How are today’s children supposed to grasp the world when too many adults around them renounce feeling, being moved? A society in which people become more and more alienated from each other and give up their sense of connection in caring for themselves does not create an atmosphere in which children can preserve their sensitivity, and learn to understand the world and life in an ever deeper affection.

Parents and teachers must, as Rilke wrote in his letter “Samskola” in 1905, be gripped by their profession and by all that they do and think, from this the children will learn again to be gripped and to understand all that is necessary for the creation of a successful open future.

“von allem sein”, the three-year study course, gives students the opportunity to rediscover the wonder about the world and life and to travel with emotion from the beginning of the universe to the history of man.

Gripped by the infinite vastness of space and time, its interactions and the infinite vastness of the human spirit, can we begin to understand.

Love and life, what connects and what is alive, then characterise reality.