Because it’s all about the whole thing

A challenging year is drawing to a close, which has shown like no other before what a major crisis our civilisation is currently experiencing.

Wir können es besser, is the title of Clemens G. Arvay’s current book on the crisis, in which he shows that only differentiated and complex thinking will lead us to the bottom of the great crisis.

A poem by Rilke aptly describes our situation:
We often don’t know, we are in difficulty, up to our knees, up to our chests, up to our chins. But are we happy with easy, are we not almost embarrassed with easy? Our heart is deep, but if we are not pressed into it, we never go to the bottom. And yet, one must have been to the bottom. That’s what it’s all about.

To be able to think in a differentiated and complex way about life and our fellow world also means to learn to understand all that we cannot grasp. To recognise connections without first dissecting everything into its individual parts. To no longer separate ourselves from nature, but to see that it is always about the whole thing!

“von allem sein” is a study course that helps to steer the mind in precisely this new direction of thinking. Education in this sense also means teaching differentiated and complex thinking and enculturate this as a new solidarity.

The first study course ended successfully this year. The third course should have started in summer 2021, but due to the pandemic, the start has been postponed by one year to summer 2022.

Registration is now open.

Have a good start to the new year and take care of yourself! It’s all about the big picture.